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Términos y condiciones

Términos y condiciones para el Sorteo Mensual Gratis de Lavado de Camiones


Este sorteo se realiza a exclusivo criterio de la empresa y es un sorteo mensual aleatorio basado en las inscripciones reales enviadas. La información proporcionada no será proporcionada a anunciantes externos por parte de la empresa y se utilizará para obtener la información de contacto de nuestro personal actual. y clientes potenciales para servir mejor a los clientes y para futuras promociones y relaciones con los clientes.

En general, ¿qué debería cubrir en sus Términos y condiciones?

  1. Who can use your website; what are the requirements to create an account (if relevant)

  2. Key commercial Terms offered to customers

  3. Payment Methods (Credit / Debit Cards, PayPal, Offline Payments etc.)

  4. Retention of right to change offering

  5. Warranties & responsibility for services and products

  6. Ownership of intellectual property, copyrights and logos

  7. Right to suspend or cancel member account

  8. Indemnification

  9. Limitation of liability

  10. Right to change and modify Terms

  11. Preference of law and dispute resolution

  12. Contact info


You can check out this support article to receive more information about how to create a Terms and Conditions page.



The explanations and information provided herein are only general and high-level explanations, information and samples. You should not rely on this article as legal advice or as recommendations regarding what you should actually do. We recommend that you seek legal advice to help you understand and to assist you in the creation of your Terms.

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